Powering millions of websites and applications Drupal is an open source CMS offering cutting-edge platform that supports the latest technologies that the Web has to offer. It is built, used and supported by active and diverse community of people across the globe.
The following features make Drupal a must use.
- Drupal is easier to use as the administrative interface makes the tasks easier to carry out.
- It comes with many tools to help you organize, structure, find and re-use your content.
- It comes with great options for new user accounts and user permissions where users are assigned one or more roles.
- It focuses on social publishing that further help you create site and applications. It lets users to express their opinions and share experiences with one another.
From personal blogs to enterprise applications, Drupal is the solution for you. The thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you imagine. Drupal is fast, responsive that handles huge amount of traffic. It’s a friendly and powerful content management platform that can build websites from blogs and micro sites to social communities.
Today many webmasters and website owners are opting for Drupal open source system to create powerful websites. Using Drupal can make you design dynamic websites, blogs, forums and social networking sites. Drupal’s newer version Drupal 7 is a mix of business tools and easy maintenance giving its users a large degree of flexibility to modify, share, and distribute content.